Who are the best leaders in your industry, and especially, in your automotive dealership? Take a moment to reflect on the characteristics they share. Very likely, the people who come to mind are the charismatic visionaries who demonstrate exceptional courage and conviction in your organization and beyond.

Surprisingly, when it comes time to hire leaders, those aren’t the qualities you should be looking for. The best leaders are humble and kind. And yet, humility and kindness seem to be rare qualities in leaders today.

If these traits are uncommon, how can you recognize these qualities in the candidates you interview for the roles supporting your organization?

Top characteristics of leaders who are humble and kind

The people who lead with kindness and humility are more laid-back than traditional leaders. They are better listeners, demonstrate greater empathy, and they motivate their teams to higher levels. As a result, they can attract and retain top talent in a way that visionary leaders cannot. You can identify these traits during the interview process.

To find the type of leader that will inspire workers across the organization, look for workers who:

  • Put the needs of others first.Customers and the team always take priority. They care less about authority and more about the well-being of others.
  • Invite collaboration from team members and other departments.Humble and kind leaders recognize that they won’t have all the answers, and they don’t have to. They’d rather promote their coworkers and give them credit for a well-done job.
  • Recognize and admit to the mistakes they make.They take responsibility for their actions. Humble and kind leaders understand that things don’t always go perfectly. When that happens, they don’t pass off the blame elsewhere.
  • Act authentically.Hamlet advised, “First of all, to thine own self be true;” when leaders are humble and kind, they are genuine, and they respond the same way in every situation.
  • Model the way their team members should act.These leaders show the behaviors they want to see in others, including integrity and trust. Their actions speak louder than their words, and they don’t make promises they can’t deliver.

If you’re uncertain about how to interview for these characteristics, your recruiter can recommend personality tests that reveal the level to which leaders are humble and kind.

The benefits of humility and kindness

Organizations that were built on arrogance and strength are discovering that it’s time for a shift. Humility and kindness are transforming corporate culture, making it more attractive to the employees who serve your customers.

As Coach Lolly Daskal points out, “Research shows the effectiveness of humble leadership: Humble leaders have more influence, they attract better people, and they earn more confidence, respect and loyalty than those who rely upon ego and power.”

Isn’t that something you want to see in your auto dealership?

So when you’re ready to have the recruitment team at Autopeople in your corner, give us a call at 1-800-659-9501, visit our website at www.autocc.wpengine.com or email us to discuss what Autopeople can do for you.