Over the years, I’m sure you’ve posted ads, listed a job on your website, used LinkedIn, or run ads elsewhere hoping to find the perfect manager to suit your dealership. Finding talent is a tedious process that rarely yields terrific results if you don’t think beyond the usual methods.

So how do you increase your chances of finding a good match? Now more than ever is why a recruiter, such as Autopeople, is the way to go.

What does Autopeople bring to the table?

  • Twenty-five years of experience operating dealerships: including interviewing, hiring, and building teams
  • Nine years of full-time devotion to automotive management recruitment
  • Three researchers who do the work and in-depth research to procure the best people

We seek out people who aren’t looking for a job and those people that won’t answer an auto job ad because they’re too busy working.

Unfortunately, the trend now seems to be that the people who answer the posted ads are job hoppers looking for that next pile of gold that doesn’t exist.

When it comes finding talent, that’s where we’re the experts and we can help you. We do it invisibly, a way that your staff may not know what you are doing. This way if you’re looking to replace a staff member or find someone for an open position, it’s all outside of your organization. We handle everyone from lower level management at the dealership level to a corporate job for a group.

If you are considering making a change, think about giving Autopeople a try. I believe you’ll be happy you did. I look forward to hearing from you. Please visit our website at www.autocc.wpengine.com, call 1-800-659-9501 or email me at dadragna@autopeople.com to discover the pluses of using a recruiter.

Autopeople has hundreds of dealers in our network who are actively seeking the best automotive talent.